Category Archives: Pastor Paul’s Blog

What is Bad is Good

Romans 8:28“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

You can trust God to take every event in your life and use it to bring good for you and glory to God. Even the things that we think are “bad,” God said He would work for “good.”

When we really believe this, it brings incredible peace, comfort and strength to us. We need to remind ourselves on a daily basis that God is accomplishing His purpose through us.

God always has something better for you on the other side of the storm! Every trial has a purpose. Rejoice today in God’s purposes being accomplished in your life. And remember, “the best is yet to come!”
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This is an exciting season in the life of “” Attached to this letter is a copy of the ad that ran February 1, 2014, in Charisma Magazine, which has worldwide distribution. We have already received over 1,200 hits on our website from this ad.

This week, February 22-25, the National Association of Religious Broadcasters meets in Nashville, TN for their annual meeting. They have registrations from over 4,500 of the most influential men and women in ministry today. It is a “who’s who” of worldwide ministry – Christian leaders from around the world whose names you would recognize.

Every registrant at the convention will receive a packet of information. Included in that packet is a copy of the February Charisma Magazine which contains our ad for “” Some of the worlds most significant Christian leaders will have the opportunity to read our ad.

Please pray that the “right people” will see the ad and respond. Unbelievable doors could open that will launch us to a “new dimension..”

Thank you so much for your friendship. When we launched “” back in July of last year, little did we know the things that God had in store for us. Please continue to pray for us that God’s will will be fulfilled through this ministry.

Your continued prayers and financial support are crucial for this ministry to continue and grow. Without faithful friends like you, we could not do what we are doing. Thank you for taking time to write us with your prayer requests and comments. Nancy and I will personally pray for your needs.

Again, thank you for your friendship and giving. God has great things ahead for all of us. We look forward to hearing from you.

In Christ,

Paul Mills

A New Day, A New Season

Dear Friends,

Isaiah 43:18 – “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.? See, I am doing a new thing!? Now it springs up: do you not perceive it?? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

Today is a New Day!? Not only is it a New Year – it is a New Season in our lives!

How do we experience this New Day?”

(1)? “Forget the former things;?do not dwell on the past.” – By an act of your will decide to do that.? Determine that “I will not be controlled by my past.”? Is that easy?? No. But with God all things are possible.? Once you make the decision,?you will begin to see new doors, people and opportunities in your life!?The Holy Spirit will enable you to fulfill God’s purposes.? God always finishes what He starts in us!

(2)? “See, I am doing a new thing!? Now it springs up: do you not perceive it?”? Look for the new doors, new opportunities and new people that God places?in your life.? Expect God to do new things in your life.? Let God give you “Divine Ideas.”? Be willing to do things you have never done.? God will never ask you to do something that He does not provide the grace and power to do.

(3)? “I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”? Remember, this is God’s responsibility, not yours! ?You can count of God to “finish what He starts.”? God will produce fresh streams in your life!? He will provide the people, the resources and the health so that He can accomplish His will through you!? “Dream a New Dream” and remember that “Jesus Never Fails!”

2014 is going to be a great year!? “Success In Christ” is moving to a “new level”.? In the February 1, 2014 issue of “Charisma” we will have a wonderful new, larger?ad that should attract the attention of many more people.? This February issue will be distributed in the registration packets of all 4,500 people who have registered?for the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Washington, DC.? These are the men and women who lead the Christian media ministries around the world. ?It will also be mailed to over 100,000 other paid subscribers in many nations.? Please pray that God will open the doors to reach the world for Christ.

It is your prayers and financial gifts that make this ministry possible. Without you, we could not do what we are doing.? May God bless you and multiply every gift back to you.

If you have prayer requests, please email or write us.? Please know that Nancy and I will personally pray in faith for those needs to be met.

May God richly bless you and yours in 2014!? We look forward to hearing from you.

In Christ,

Paul Mills